Carolina Melis

Carolina Melis started as an event specialist mostly focusing on corporate events. But before launching her career as a full-time event planner, she would normally be tapped by their HR department to organize their office events. This is where she honed her skills in planning, organizing, and executing corporate events. She became successful in her field but in her mind, she wanted to break away from doing corporate events.

After several years of doing corporate events, she got invited by one of her former colleagues to organize a bachelorette party. At first, she was hesitant to accept the gig, but she just did what she is good at – winging it. After several days of planning, she had a realization that this is a different arena that she could excel in. It is fun, different, and exciting. Those were her thoughts after her first successful bachelorette party. Switching to a bachelorette party planner was an easy transition. Carolina loves to party and she has built her network of suppliers whom she can tap anytime she needs them. was one of her marketing efforts at the same time a platform to share her encounters as an events planner including the wildest bachelorette parties that you will ever read. If you are planning your own events, then watch out for Carolina’s DIY tips and hacks for a successful bachelorette party!